Wednesday, April 2, 2008

WUSB 4/2/08

Hot Chip - Ready For the Floor - Made in the Dark 
Telenovela Star - Dr. Who - Love, Lust, Sci-Fi and Monsters 
Devotchka - Comrade Z - A Mad and Faithful Telling
Degenerate Art Ensemble - Cuckoo Pie - Cuckoo Crow
Prince Fatty - Curious - Survival of the Fattest
The Presidents of the USA - Ghosts Are Everywhere - These Are the Good Times People
REM - Accelerate - Accelerate 
Ming and Ping - Electricity - Causeway Army
PlayRadioPlay! - Without Gravity - Texas
Why? - The Vowels Pt. 2 - Alopecia
Kimya Dawson - Tire Swing - JUNO Soundtrack
Sherwood - Song in My Head - A Different Light
Every Avenue - This One's a Cheap Shot
Edison Glad - Let Go - Time is Fiction
Panic At the Disco - Nine in the Afternoon - Pretty.Odd.
Steel Train - Diamonds in the Sky - Trampoline
Dr. Manhatten - Claims Should Echo - 
The Screamin Lords - Long Live Me - Halo
The Gentz - Rock City - Hollywood Rose 
Pat Benetar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot 

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